World AIDS Day, December 1st :
Vocabulary :
- HIV and AIDS
"HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus.
AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
HIV is actually the virus that causes the disease AIDS."
- Glossary of HIV/AIDS Terms
- AIDSinfo Glossary
Facts :
- What is AIDS ? - A guide
- What is Aids?
- What is HIV?
- How do you get it?
- How do you know if you've got it?
- Aids myths
- How common is it?
- Can it be cured?
(CBBC News)
- What is AIDS?
1 Infection by HIV 2 Diagnosis 3 Symptoms and complications 4 Transmission and prevention 5 Treatment
6 Epidemiology 7 Economic impact 8 Stigma 9 Origin of HIV 10 Alternative hypotheses 11 HIV and AIDS misconceptions
12 Notes and references 13 External links
- HIV and AIDS
- HIV Hurts the Immune System
- How Many People Have HIV and AIDS?
- How Is HIV Spread?
- What Are the Symptoms of HIV and AIDS?
- How Are HIV and AIDS Diagnosed?
- How Are HIV and AIDS Treated?
- Can HIV and AIDS Be Prevented?
- Living With HIV and AIDS
- Hope for an HIV-Free Future
- A Glance at the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
- HIV & AIDS Around the World
- HIV/AIDS among Youth
- Numbers of young people living with HIV/AIDS
- DOs and DON'Ts in the Family of an HIV + Person
World AIDS Day, December 1st :
- World AIDS Day
"The 2007 theme, “leadership”, highlights the need for innovation, vision and perseverance in the face of the AIDS challenge. The campaign calls on all sectors of society such as families, communities and civil society organisations - rather than just governments - to take the initiative and provide leadership on AIDS..."
- World AIDS Day
- UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
+ The 2007 AIDS epidemic update "reports on the latest developments in the global AIDS epidemic. The 2007 edition provides the most recent estimates of the AIDS epidemic and explores new findings and trends in the epidemic’s evolution."
+ International consultation on AIDS estimates: Recommendations
- World AIDS day Quiz
Pictures :
- HIV and AIDS promotion through Art
Listening :
- Learning English - Words in the News : AIDS conference
- with the text
INTERACTIVE activities :
- Is it Difficult to Catch HIV/AIDS? True or False
- HIV & AIDS: How much do you know? Quiz 1
- HIV & AIDS: How much do you know? Quiz 2
- HIV: How can I protect myself?
"Fill the gaps with one word from the list."
- People World Wide: HIV/AIDS
"How does AIDS affect people all over the world? What kind of personal or family or world problems could AIDS cause? Read each sentence and choose an answer... The information on this quiz comes from UNAIDS."
- Quizzes
- Quizzes
- World AIDS day Quiz
Activities TO PRINT :
- The AIDS Quiz
Webquests :
- AIDS - Treasure Hunt : Let's Talk about:Teens and STDs
(Isabel Pérez)
- "It won't happen to me !" - a webquest
"The final task will be double:
1) To create a virtual AIDS magazine with interviews and articles that will include all the info everybody should know about AIDS.
2) To organise an AIDS school campaign.
To create this magazine you will collaborate in a 4 reporters group. Each one of you will choose a role and will research about an aspect of the disease and its social discrimination."
Designed by Mercedes de la Casa and Isabel Pérez
- Game: What would you do?
"An interactive game that explores real life situations with regard to HIV/AIDS."
Cartoons :
Aid. Yes! AIDS. No!
To promote AIDS awareness
Songs :
- Songs about AIDS + Page 2
- The Aids Stigma song - Lyrics and VIDEO
" There are viruses, illnesses, cancers, disease
That can wrestle the strongest of men to his knees
But of all the diseases that cut short one’s life
Only AIDS has a stigma that cuts like a knife..."
- Folk Songs About AIDS
Videos :
- AIDS - Explanation + History
- The Top Ten Myths About HIV/AIDS
Posters :
- Historical HIV and AIDS posters from around the world
- AIDS Posters from around the world
Labels: calendar, for_your_students, resources, teaching_material